Singing Guide: Gorillaz feat. De La Soul

Singing Guide: Gorillaz feat. De La Soul

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a fan of the virtual band Gorillaz? Do you want to learn how to sing like their featured artist De La Soul? Well, you're in luck! In this article, we will explore the unique vocal technique of the rapper and provide some practical tips on how to nail his style. Plus, we'll show you some awesome Singing Carrots resources to assist you in your journey.
De La Soul is known for his relaxed, laid-back vocal delivery. He often incorporates humor and creative wordplay into his rhymes. To sing like De La Soul, it's essential to be comfortable with your voice and have a good sense of rhythm. Here are some tips to help you get started:
  1. Practice rapping along to De La Soul's songs. Pay attention to the rhythm of his flow and try to match it as closely as possible.

  2. Be comfortable with your voice. Don't try to imitate De La Soul's sound exactly - focus instead on finding your own comfortable, relaxed vocal style.

  3. Experiment with creative wordplay. De La Soul is known for his clever wordplay in his lyrics. See if you can come up with your own unique rhymes and phrases.

  4. Incorporate humor into your performance. De La Soul often uses humor in his lyrics, so don't be afraid to inject some humor into your own music.

Now that you have some tips for singing like De La Soul, let's look at some Singing Carrots resources that can help you improve your skills:
  1. The vocal range test is a great way to determine your vocal range and compare it to famous singers - including De La Soul himself!

  2. The pitch accuracy test will help you improve your accuracy and stay on key when singing.

  3. The vocal pitch monitor is a handy tool for visualizing your pitch and ensuring that you are hitting the right notes.

  4. The pitch training tool provides interactive warm-up exercises and pitch visualization to improve your range and agility.

  5. The song search feature is an excellent way to find songs that match your vocal range and style preferences. Try searching for some of De La Soul's songs to practice singing along with his style.

  6. The Singing Course covers singing theory and practical tips that will help you develop your vocal skills.

With the help of Singing Carrots and some practice, you'll be able to nail De La Soul's style in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.